Many civil engineering students may experience the fear of taking a board examination not only in board exams but also throughout their academic life. Some may think it’s just an excuse for your poor exam performance. But they don’t know that there is more about why students have to deal with this kind of fear which sometimes lead to anxiety.
This kind of fear in exams is called exam phobia. It is one of the most common traits experienced by almost every student taking their exams. Although it is not very uncommon, it can harm students’ overall exam performance.
There are several causes of exam fear. Students are more likely to experience anxiety and depression when facing academic difficulties, fears of particular subjects, peer pressure, parental expectations, a lack of confidence, and an inability to concentrate. As a result of their fear of exams throughout high school and college, they have a lifetime anxiety disorder when confronted with demanding situations.
However, you can cope with the fear of taking a board examination. Establishing new behaviors and changing one’s perspective regarding exams is necessary to feel less tense and nervous. In this article, let’s understand what exam phobia is, how to get rid of it, and how to study without fear.
What is exam phobia?
Exam phobia, as the name implies, is today’s term for exam fear that affects students of all ages. In some cases, it might drive them toward anxiety and depression. Exams are an example of a situation people avoid because of an excessive, unexplainable fear of it. Students’ anxiety levels rise as a result of this overwhelming and unreasonable fear of exams and get worse in the absence of any proper help or guidance.
Tips on How to Cope With the Fear and Anxiety of Taking Board Exams
Avoid cramming before the exam and having fears because of a lack of studying. These tips will help you focus more on your study and feel less pressure before the exam date.
Create Your TimeTable
Students frequently imitate and compare themselves to other students or peer groups, which makes them feel unworthy and increases their exam anxiety. But it’s important to remember that every person is unique, and each student has a unique way of studying. Making a schedule that suits your needs and tastes is helpful. Consider how long you can sit there and concentrate without getting up to do something else. Establish a study schedule and stick to it, and as a result, you will find that it reduces your anxiety levels.
Do Revisions Early
You might finish your exam preparation earlier by revising as soon as possible. You will have plenty of time to review the syllabus’s topics. You’ll cover all the material and be well-prepared for your examinations if you do it this way.
Make a Study Plan
While preparing for the exams, create a plan based on the subjects you need to pay more attention to and the topics you are good at. When reviewing, use flashcards, flowcharts, graphs, and pictures – as they can help you overcome exam anxiety, save time, and help in last-minute preparations.
Prepared Short and Detailed Notes
Writing down significant facts, equations, dates, persons, situations, or other information as you study or review a chapter is one of the most well-liked anxiety-relieving strategies. It will be beneficial for your last round of revision and before you enter the exam room.
Give Equal Attention To Each Subject
Equalize your focus across all subjects. No matter how challenging or easy a topic may be, set aside a specific time to review it. In this manner, you will study all the subjects without missing any.
Ask your parents or teachers for assistance if a particular subject trouble you. Avoiding courses that look difficult will just increase exam anxiety and result in poor performance on the exam.
Essential Tips to Overcome Exam Phobia and Gain More Concentration
The following tips are for your body and mind. Preparing for every exam, are same as getting your mind and body prepared too.
Take small and frequent study breaks.
Make sure to plan breaks when you create a schedule for your revision. Long study sessions are physically and mentally draining. It causes focus loss and distractions as well.
Every hour or so, take a break and do something you enjoy, such as engaging in a pastime like singing, dancing, drawing, or simply chatting with family or friends. It clears the mind and improves focus and energy levels.
Eat Healthy Food
Students sometimes disregard their physical health by eating improperly during exams. Some students turn to packaged, processed foods and drinks as a coping mechanism for exam anxiety. They could become dizzy and lightheaded as a result. Instead, they should eat nutritious foods that are high in protein and excellent carbohydrates, like eggs, dairy products, fruits, green vegetables, etc.
Sleep well and at fixed times.
The advantages of having a good night’s sleep are numerous and significant. The brain becomes exhausted and loses its ability to function correctly after exerting all day, like other body parts. Your mind and body get a power boost from restful sleep at night. It provides the following day with a new beginning. Additionally, a crucial element of your mental health is sleep. Your cognitive powers are improved. You become more focused and imaginative as a result. You typically feel happier and more upbeat when you are well-rested. Getting enough sleep can help you feel less irritated, anxious, and depressed. So, getting enough sleep can be the key to a student’s success.
Exercise your brain for peace.
Exercise is essential for the brain, just as it is for the entire body. By lowering insulin resistance and encouraging the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, exercise is good for the brain. Engage in some mild activities to reduce mental tension and improve attention and learning skills. One such practice that teaches us how to change unfavorable ideas into favorable ones and nurture positive thinking is meditation. It transports you to a quiet and peaceful world.
Additionally, deep breathing exercises at the beginning and end of each study session will help you feel more energized. Once again, laughter is considered the best stress reliever. Laughter simultaneously engages several brain areas and relieves stress. Swimming, dancing, and brisk walking are great workouts for developing a stress-free, fearless mindset.
Avoid Comparisons
Many students compare their academic performance, amount of preparation, grades, number of study hours, etc., with other students. Avoiding it can be reduced exam phobia because it might cause unnecessary anxiety and stress. Instead, concentrate on your planning and make efficient use of your time.
Reward yourself with positive thoughts.
Make sure you accomplish the goal each day following your timetable, and when you do, congratulate yourself by telling yourself things like, “Yes! I have done this,” “I will finish the remaining part before time.” It will raise your self-confidence and increase your efficiency.
To familiarize yourself with the exam format and practice time management, try to complete papers over the weekend within the allotted time as stated on the exam papers. It will offer you a general idea of the final test experience and provide some simple ideas to occupy your attention.
The Bottomline:
Exam fear is nothing new; it typically results from a lack of preparation and poor self-confidence in people, but it is manageable. Expectedly, parents should support their children by being aware of their emotional needs during the exam. Students who have made the proper preparation and strategy can lower exam anxiety and perform well on the exam. Examine the test questions from prior years while keeping an optimistic outlook.
When you feel the anxiety start to rise in your spine, positively talk to yourself. Every day spends time for meditation, about 10 to 15 minutes, to clear your mind and enhance concentration.
Lastly, consult a professional counselor if needed. You can overcome the feelings, fears, and actions causing anxiety by talking to your problems with mental health professionals.
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