Have you ever questioned whether you needed to pass the board exam? The answer is “it depends.” Although they usually see it as an advantage, certain employers may not require that a candidate pass the licensing exam if they are in a technical sector like engineering.
Passing the board exams is a significant advantage in terms of salary because it allows you to receive a slightly higher salary offer than other job applicants who do not have a license or did not pass their licensure exam.
One of the most challenging parts of taking a board exam is studying effectively to pass. We make these seven helpful study tips for those civil engineering graduates taking their civil engineering board exams.
Productive Study Tips for Civil Engineering Board Exam
Before you enter the battleground, you should equip yourself with weapons and armor. The battle you are about to face is the CE board examination, and the weapons and armor you need are your knowledge and these tips that can help you win and pass this battle.
- Be part of a Review Center.
Enrolling in a review center helps you to sharpen and refresh the course you have studied. One of the known review centers in the Philippines is Padilla Review Center which specializes in civil engineering. It produces top-notchers and first-placers all over the Philippines.
To know more about the benefits of a review center, you can read here: Benefits of Enrolling in a Review Center and Its Importance.
- Ask for help from your seniors.
Approaching your seniors who passed the civil engineering board exam for assistance is a good idea. Asking people for questions, advice, study materials, or publications they utilized to pass their board exams will be of tremendous use to you in passing your board exams.
- Focus on complicated subjects.
You should put extra effort into reviewing the subjects you are concerned with within the course. It will assist you in mastering, comprehending, and revealing the challenging elements. Also, it will help you to avoid failing, and you’ll be ready to deal with it if it comes up on the board exam.
- Do self-study at home.
Exam preparation for civil engineering should continue beyond the review center. It should carry at home. Study more and more so that you will understand the material and find it simple to respond to the questions in the board exams. The tips we can give you are to develop a strategy and study skills, such as planning your time and tasks, using the Pomodoro method to stay on task, and creating flashcards to help you learn mathematical formulas.
- Put your mind and body in good condition.
Before and during the examination, ensure the condition of your whole body and mind. When you control yourself beforehand, you will make a difference in your performance in the board examination.
- Make sure to have 7-8 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep will lead you to lose your focus, concentration, and mood during the examination.
- Eat your meals. When you are hungry during the examination, you will lose mood and less energy.
- Give yourself a break by meditating or giving short naps to increase your concentration skill and boost your productivity.
- Don’t Study Hard but Study Wisely
Believing studying hard can help you pass the board exam is not a sensible course of action. In addition, it is utterly unhealthy for anyone to think about learning anything and remembering everything on the day of the board examination.
It is how review centers help out the most and when studying wise comes along. They will summarize and distribute the likely topics for each subject. Remembering everything won’t help you when it comes to board exams. It’s about understanding the idea entirely.
- Prayer is the Key!
Believe that God will help you to overcome and deliver you from this obstacle in your career. To become successful, all of us undergo tests. And if we pass the test, there will be a great reward. Spend some time in prayers, and God will always hear your plea.
Final Thoughts:
Use these seven helpful study tips we gave you to help you pass and ace the civil engineering board exam. If you have doubts about your performance in this upcoming licensure examination, subscribe to our Padilla Review Center Online TV or follow us at prc.tv for free tutorials, brain hacks, and more! And you can also join us in our Padilla Review Center community by subscribing to our email newsletters and following our several social media.
Just be confident you can overcome this battle to achieve your dream of becoming a licensed civil engineer. You must prepare yourself with knowledge and wisdom. And nothing is impossible if you believe. All the sleepless nights and long hours studying the course will be worth it.
Good luck, future civil engineers!